Friday, November 10, 2006

講生意‧學耶穌: (廿三) 至正投資首選

講生意‧學耶穌: (廿三) 至正投資首選


上星期在一個好朋友的blog看到這幅照片。這幅相是由一位名叫Kevin Carter的攝影師所拍的。照片的地點是1994年陷入旱災的非洲蘇丹。相中人是一個在餓死邊緣的小女孩。她正在爬向一公里外的聯合國救援站。她身後有一隻獵鷹(Vulture)﹐虎視眈眈地看著她﹐等她死去後可吃她的屍體。我是一個基督徒。以前的我見到這照片時﹐第一個反應是去問一些宗教哲學性質的問題﹕為甚麼神會眼白白的看著這小孩子餓死而袖手旁觀﹖作了十六年牧師﹐發覺在教會中我們往往喜歡問一些沒有答案的問題。可能這樣可間接地幫助我們去逃避一些我們不想面對的責任。當我們看到這照片時﹐或者應問的不是為甚麼神可以袖手旁觀﹐而是為甚麼我們可以坐視不救。生活在“超級富裕”的環境中﹐當我們可揮霍金錢﹐浪費食物﹐而在世界其他地方每三秒就有一個小孩因貧窮原因而死亡。我會想﹐如果我身處在相中小女孩的環境當中﹐我應該怪神﹐還是怪我們﹖

From: (阿Lam )

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

How amazed of God's Creation!!! Grand Canyon (Part 2)


Man I really want to see the real thing with my beautiful...
That's not the wallpaper from friend shoot it with her nice.

Monday, November 06, 2006

My Dream Land - Trip to Grand Canyons

This wonderful pic is my dream land - Grand Canyons. The dream hasn't achieved and I am still dreaming for that.

Thanks Vivian Li to arise my interest of going there, isn't that a great place and God is so amazing.

Really hope that I can go there before it is too late, because I heard Vivian said the trip to Grand Canyonrequired "hiking" and "camping". I question myself that I still do have enough energy and "gas" to go there. Coindientlly, Tony and I came out to the same thought of going there, how great is that. In the most worsen situation, I can go with him and let Jenny and Carol in town...haha...just will never happen.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

1st night "生命工程的動力"

Verse: Eph: 1:15-2:22

There are two most important things to human were happened in the 1st century;
1. The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. (John 1:14)
2. The coming of the Holy Spirit. "Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if
I go, I will send Him to you, (John 16:7)

Those two things that changed the world upside down and the world became "not the same" anymore.

1. Together under one head (Eph 1:10)
- If the consequence or the future had been revelvated by us, then the consequence or the future will change our life of living. Ex, if I know that I will get 1 million after 6 month, then the motivation of working the current job will definitely be changed...not sure that I will still work on my job...hehe. In addition, if I know that I will die next week...will I still do the same as I am doing now??? Obviously not...
- So for us, as a Christian, indeed, we all know what's going on in the future (already, but not yet). Eternal is the place that we belong. That's will drive us to work for Christ, to change other's life, to live out Christ.

2. The Promise
-God will execute His promise, so that will be the element to drive us.
Ex. "Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge will award to me on that day...Timothy 4:8.

First Commission
Prelude: "God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..."" Gen 1:26. God create man and woman, so let the man be the man and let the woman be the woman (too many 非男非女).
1. They will become one flesh.
2. Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.
3. rule the every creature in the world.
- Environmental issue, which we need to protect the world.

Content: 生命工程的動力
In order to serve in the world, we must first understand our world.
This is the information technology world
- One "click" to the world...not a completely bad thing. This is most efficient decade of spreading out Gospel. The good news may be able to reach to the end of the world within this decade.

This is a Biotechnology world,
- DNA "re-processing"
- Clone????

"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world...ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient." Eph 2:1-2.

However, we are called to shine for Him and lighten up the darkness. We also the ambassador of Christ who bring the peace to the unpeace world.

Oh Lord my God, here I am please guide me with your grace and let your light went through my darkness part of my life first, then let me also become the blessing of others. May my life is pleasant in front of you and can glorify your name.