Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not a miracle I want!!!

After Brazil STM, my joy and the excitement had been eaten up by the non-stoppable things and works progressively. Just right on the first day back from Brazil, I need to sign the closing document of the house and need to prepare the insurance and arrange to pick up the car. After that is the church and the beloved "exam".

I wasn't too worried about the exam at first, because I think serving God in STM will give me some kind of "wisdom" to pass the exam. There is enough reason to make Him help me to pass, even though I didn't have enough time to study. Consequently, the miracle had not happened...I failed. However, I don't know why the course enrolment period had been extended for one more month and it supposed to be expired after the date I wrote the exam. The extension gave me sufficient time to study again...this time I passed. God didn't give me a miracle to pass, but arrange enough time for me to study. Thanks Him...He is great!!!