Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Typing Chinese Character

I am so admired to those who can type chinese in the computer. So admire Edmund, Hilda those guys who can prepare an "essay" type handout in sunday school.

This year...got to learn it....but need to finish my CPH exam first...urg. Studying...never stop!


Anonymous said...

Well, no need to admire. In fact, it is not really a talent to admire, but a conviction to help b/s to learn in whatever ways that are helpful.

If it helps, I don't mind to learn.

eh0520 said...

haha.. i can type chinese too..but super slow ar.. but i think is easy to learn, just that u need to spent more time on that~~~ hahah~~~

wei.. ask Jenny to upload the wedding pic la~~~ dont be so lazy~~ i wanna see~~~~