Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Is pretty Strange!!!

The wedding is exhausting, but it is nice to see two of them complete the 11 year Marathon. Indeed, I was so envious the father and son relationship. This feeling had never came up since very very long time. My parent's marriage breakdown didn't really have a big impact on me, because I was "glad" that my mom was finally released from the "prison" and was no longer being tortured mentally. My grandparents had replaced the role of my parents throughout my childhood.

After I turned to Christ, my heavenly father filled up the missing part of my life and show me how to become a "man". It is a amazing thing to have a father like Him. However, when I saw the happiness on Paul's father while he is watching his son on the stage...I am kind of jealous. This is a picture that will never happen on me, I am not blaming Him for giving me this family history...indeed He had given me a lot a lot of blessing that I am not worth to get. Is just a strange feeling that made me quite weird.

Sense of Humor

I always have a feeling that Jesus has a sense of humor. Whatever I dislike, He will put that thing into my life. For example, I don't like tide schedule, He will keep me busy. I don't use to work with some kind of people, He will put those people around me. I hate EXAMS, but He put me in the field that requires a lot of exams...indeed, these kind of arrangement will give me opportunity to throw my own thought into the bin and experience the gracious and providing God...but honestly, it is not easy...