Wednesday, June 03, 2009


In Jesus Christ a new cosmic order of real togetherness has been established forever. We all included, and we all stand called to a radical change of mind, called to rethink everything we thought we knew about God, about ourselves and others, about our planet, our future and life itself. Because of Jesus and of what he has made of the cosmos, we are all called to give ourselves to participate in his world. We are called to let his Father love us. We are called to walk in his Spirit. We are called to love one another with his love for each person. And we are called to participate in his relationship with all creation. And we are promised abounding life in the process. We are free, in a manner of speaking, to live in our own worlds, and free to try to impose them upon Jesus and his world, but such will only produce ever increasing pain. For it is a violation of atonement, of the way things really are in Jesus, of the togetherness that he has established between the Triune God, the human race, and all creation in himself. And such violation necessarily hurts like hell.

Original link:

Living in our own world (freedom, selfish, self-centered) can be a trap to draw us away from the real heavenly freedom that God want us to have. Also, it will bring suffering, tears, and sadness to our surroundings. Turn my eye toward the life which had been changed by the atonement, live out the reason of why I had been called. Carry on His mission and share our blessing to the one who need it.


Edmund said...

Amen! I will just add 1 thing:

"And such violation necessarily hurts like hell..."

"For such violation IS hell".

VinEaT said...

Good point!!!