Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Where is God??? Where are you???

One of the question that I had encountered when I was sharing the gospel is "where is God". People who asked this question always came up with the poverty, hungry, injustice, and nature disasters around the world.

"Where is God when you said God is love, why did he let this things happen to them?"

I used to divert this kind of questions by asking them to focus the relationship with God alone, just put those things aside and concentrate on the gospel. Because, I really have no clue for answering...why did God let those things happened to us(them)?

After I attained the seminar last year, something had been changed. Christian who proclaims to follow his commission should actually follow his footsteps.

There was one short speech I heard in a few weeks ago had broken my heart. Jesus is love I have no problem to defend the truth of this verse, plus I have no doubt that he loves and cares everyone of us, but I don't see his footsteps among those needy people.

I still don't have the answer of "where is God (why shoud he let these things happened)?", instead, isn't that we had been chosen to carry on his mission and duty. Can we share the blessing that he gave us to those who need it, since we lived in a world far from lacking the basic need.

This is very challenging, but at least I know his eyes is not closed and the job is upon us to finish.

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