Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Is Jesus beautiful??? How about me???

Most of my female friends are fallen in love with the trendy stuffs, when they are still the OSAP students, they only buy something very affordable in outlet and never thought about buying an expensive stuffs (at least in my opinion). Sometimes, they will critize others' "crazy spending".

Few years later, after they went out from school and start working of couple years, things change! Back to the old days, when I was in the high school, I spent very unwisely and didn't even think is affordable or not. The only issue I care was the looking after I put that on my body. I could buy a jean and a pair of shoe for more than $200, only wear things with expensive brand name. Yeah...that's what I thought was suitable and trendy, also it represented myself as a "celebrity".

Things start to change after I turn to Christ, especially when I experience who He is and what did He do for the human being. Jesus didn't wear any Dunhill shirt and Armani jeans with a pair of special edition of Nike shoe, but in fact, He looks even better than anythings in the world. Yes, I think He did...not only because He is God, but also He demonstrated how to love with all His heart and soul, and strength.

The elements that determine the physcial appearance (how do I look) is it by the clothing that I put on? By the bag that you use? The watch that you have on my wrist? Yes, that would only give me the look of my surface. I also need to focus on how to make my INNER ONE looks pretty as well. Let cleans the dust and dirty, also give it a new dress and good look.

Pray that God open my eyes and focusing more on Him. Bless the relationship with you...can always more closer to You and serve you alone.

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