Friday, October 27, 2006

Vision + Action = Mission

培靈會...go meet with God. It was a good message, even though Dr. Choi used more than an hour to finish his introduction and saving the rest on Today and Sat meeting, but it was a good time for me to rethink my life once again.

Dr. Choi mentioned quite a few times on "不再一樣". At first our (Christian) is different when we rebuild the relationship with God. "The consequence (ending) will drive the way we live", if I know what is going on next 50 years, 10 years, 1 year, 1 month, 1 week, or next moment, then the way of living will definely be changed. Also, if we believe that human death is like a dead of a light bulb nothing is going to happen, then that person will live in the very moment without hope and secruity. Our motivation is driven by the hope of eternity. Thanks God my Lord, this is my strength and my, hope, and love...the elements work mutually.

Also, vision without action is illusion. I am quite stubborn with the vision in my service area. If I can't see there is a vision (at least the reason of doing it) for that particular ministry, I rarely find my part on that. But there come the challenge, despite the vision, do I take action thoroughfully. Hey man, my action will reflect the faith to God, and vision need action to be complete, right? My Lord, please motivate me and become a "action man" with a vision. May Your Spirit work within me and I will only follow your guidance alone.

Expect more things to rethink about the ministry that I am working on...Dr. Choi spent 30 years on youth ministry...his life is an action figure of a servant...add oil.

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