Monday, October 23, 2006

Pre-"Two become one"...Not already and not yet...But soon

Really thanks God to provide me such a pretty, lovely and beautiful 未婚妻. We had been together for 9 years, when I look back to those past years, God gave us a lot of grace and blessing. Not everything we went through is beautiful and sweet, in fact, it was half sweet and half bitter.

When two different people come together, the differences among the two of us will bring us a dancing lesson for two people who never stepped into a 舞臺 before. Sometime it could become a little battlefield. Thanks you our God and our Lord, He bring us together through different dancing lessons. Firstly, we really step on each other and was really out of rhythms. After the lessons of communication, understanding, considering, and forgiving, we advance to another level of dancing. Those lessons are really helping us to come together and realize we are completely different creation of God, but the biggest lesson that God taught us is LOVE. HE shown us how to with scarification.

Thanks God that He had given us a very close 價值觀 (Value). I didn't realize the importance of it before, but it really influence the relationship between us and God as well.

Uncountable thanks need to say to the Almighty one. Pray that He will continue to guide and teach us in everyday.

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