Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sunshine, cloudy, rainly day...God still with us!

If God is giving me something that is not my will, is that mean He is away from me? If God didn't listen my prayer (even though it seems very "right"), is that show God do not love me?

Yesterday, Me and Jenny had taken wedding photos in the afternoon. The weather was not very impressing in the past 2 days, remember on Saturday, while we were driving in downtown, we saw the "ice raining". It was quit bad, Carol and Tony also concerned about the weather too. Indeed, I didn't worry a lot about the weather, but the reason of that is not I don't care about the picture (I really expecting it). That's only because the condition of tomorrow is not upon my wish. I pray that if this is God's will, please give us the good weather, the utlimate soverign is depending upon your will.

God will make a way!
Where there seem to be no way!
He works in way, we cannot see....

He will lead me to the "good" path, which I may not want to.

But thanks God...yesterday was amazing, we had everything we need except the cold temp. At first, it was a bit cloudy, then the sunlight just trying to break through the cloud. After a while, we have a wonderful sunlight with variable cloud. After while(S), we also can see the blue sky and the perfect sunlight. THANK YOU JESUS, the best #4 of the year Tony and Carol, and the prayer from Ian and Joanna...we took "FEW" nice pics (around 250 copies) and had a wonderful time.

Today's Verse: Deut 28:1-2If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earths. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.

I truly didn't think that I had fully obey my Lord (life-time task), but I love HIM and He is the centerpiece of my life and my guidlines. And I believe He will make a way for us, even though we ended up with a rainly day, He is still the one who deserve all the praises and glory. Amen!

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