Monday, October 02, 2006

Turn your eyes upon Jesus!!! (2006/10/02 07:25:31)

Thanks the Lord once is quit a while that I had struggle with this issue. Love, care and serve, I finally "re-gain" it. Love is patient, love is kind...this is not the slogan and some "golden verse". It is the word with action and is most important thing of a servant of God. Let me not love with mouth and tongue but with ACTION. Rev Wong mentioned love with suffering and the examples from Edmund's sermon from the wedding - "arrow pig" (needs to sacrifice yourself for others), it really remind me to love others (not only the one who worth to love) with all my heart, soul and strength.

The hymn "Turn your eyes upon Jesus" came up when I was taking a shower.

Turn your eyes upon jesus,
look through in His wonderful face,
and the things on earth will grow strangely dim.
In the light of His Glory and Grace.

What is the focus in my eyes now??? What is the reason of serving??? How do I love others??? Is Jesus's love is the main reason of loving others???
That's a very good time for me to "re-think" my situation again, I spent a quality of quiet time by myself, read passages, listen to that hymn, and pour out my dirtness to God. Confess my thoughts, rebuild my purity of love to Christ alone, and reset my priority, at last, re-confirm the foundation of loving others. I had wasted too many times on playing games and unworthy stuffs...may God give me strength to get rid of the rest of the bad habits and become the good witness of Him. Finally, I humble down my re-focus my precious Jesus Chirst once again. Thank you Almighty God, once again He put everything together.

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