Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sunday School....a piece of "sweet" and "healthy" cake

Righteousness is doing the right thing...is all about the relationship with God...

Never really think about God's righteousness in this aspect. Today's Sunday school really benefit to my life and set a really good picture for my serving direction. How can I proclaim that I love God without loving others and in the extent of loving the world (the public and the need).

Although, we can be righteous in front of God's eyes by faith alone, not by morality and any other things. But like what James said about the faith "what good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?" "faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." Hey man, is that a simplest verse to understand...in order to make my life complete. Deed is not the thing to save me from eternal death, but it will show how much I love Him.

Oh Heavenly Father, give me more strength and love to love. Serve others and NOT only the one I love, but to the one who needs and waiting to be served. Ian pointed out a very good conclusion in the class, if I have any trouble to love either people and the world, then there must be something wrong toward the relationship with God.

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