Saturday, October 21, 2006

Only God can make thing (plants) grow

不經不覺 I am with Daniel fellowship for more than 2 years. It is not easy to measure what is the outcome throughout the time that I spent in this fellowship. Especially when I firstly joined the fellowship, I saw those guys shown up every week, Me and Andrew kept reminding them how good you can be when you accept Him as your savior, however, not too many people feel interested and willing to share what is their burdens and struggles.

Things did change recently. Last night, A&W. raised out a very quality question about the truth of the bible. He said bible is formed by different people...and how do you tell the real meaning and it can be contradict to itself. It was a big surprise for me indeed, I am not saying that the question itself, in fact, I really appreciated they finally came out with some question that is related to the bible and biblical topic, in the extent, they start to share with their heart. The question is not the question, even though I answer the question in detail, but it didn't really satisfy his "real" need in the heart. That question only reflect a piece real and core question in his heart...but...he ask the question sincerely, and that will lead me to know the "real" question in his heart and what did he need.

I encourage them to share more and ask as many question as they want, but it has to be coming from their heart...not the misleading question.

Oh Lord, you are the one who know their needs, may I can have the wisdom to understand their needs, burdens and struggles...Please give me your guidance and vision, so that I can follow your way. Pray for Andrew and I, use us as your precious container and be the blessing to the others. Amen!

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