Monday, October 09, 2006

Sunday school homework...a piece of "苦" 蛋糕???

Sunday school's homework is not a very warm word, because it required a small amount of time out from the leisure in order to complete it. I couldn't remember the last time I gave out an assignment or homework to my class. This time, Ian gave out a homework to us in the class of Amos. He ask us to write what is righteous. Honestly, the topics seems very easy, but it can be very complicated when I think of God's righteous and social righteous.

I started the homework surprisingly earlier than ususal, since last Sunday the same day that I recieved the topics. The same day that I had gone through a small revival and promise God to re-prioritize the things that He does want me to do. I'd never spent so much time on a Sunday school homework and start right after I recieved (even when I was teaching the class). Pray that this will not a flash light and the fire ended right after it grew.

I really treasure and like the time that I spent on thinking the topics and reading the reference material. Also,it is so good that I can put away the "homework" from PSP and work on the biblical things. Thanks God to give me back the sovereign of my life. I don't think that I will never touch PSP again, but the priority is really not that high anymore. I used to spend 2 hours a day for that, but need to be adjusted...instead of playing that, I should drop down the precious moment that I had walked with Jesus Christ in my daily life. Pray that I will consistenly keep this habit.

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